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Cites (4)

Citations in the corpus, listed by decreasing publication date.

  1. Mapping model agreement on future climate projections. Geophysical Research Letters. 2011 Tebaldi, Claudia, Arblaster, Julie M., Knutti, Reto

    Ensemble methods, Predictions and projections, Reliability & uncertainty, Robustness

  2. When Climate Models Agree: The Significance of Robust Model Predictions*. Philosophy of Science. 2011 Parker, Wendy S.

    Confirmation & evaluation, Ensemble methods, Robustness, Values

  3. Whose Probabilities? Predicting Climate Change with Ensembles of Models. Philosophy of Science. 2010 Parker, Wendy S.

    Ensemble methods, Probability & possibility, Reliability & uncertainty

  4. Confidence, uncertainty and decision-support relevance in climate predictions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2007 Stainforth, D.A, Allen, M.R, Tredger, E.R, Smith, L.A

    Calibration/tuning, Decision-making, Reliability & uncertainty

Cited by (12)

Cited by these reference in the corpus, listed by decreasing publication date.

  1. Usability of climate information: Toward a new scientific framework. WIREs Climate Change. 2023 Jebeile, Julie, Roussos, Joe

    Communication of uncertainties, Decision-making, Values

  2. Expert reports by large multidisciplinary groups: the case of the International Panel on Climate Change. Synthese. 2021 Drouet, Isabelle, Andler, Daniel, Barberousse, Anouk, Jebeile, Julie

    Climate change communication, Communication of uncertainties

  3. Value management and model pluralism in climate science. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A. 2021 Jebeile, Julie, Crucifix, Michel

    Value-free ideal, Values

  4. Looking Forward and Backward at Extreme Event Attribution in Climate Policy. Ethics, Policy & Environment. 2021 Lusk, Greg

    Adaptation, Attribution, Decision-making, Extreme events

  5. Multi-model ensembles in climate science: Mathematical structures and expert judgements. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A. 2020 Jebeile, Julie, Crucifix, Michel

    Ensemble methods

  6. Understanding and assessing uncertainty of observational climate datasets for model evaluation using ensembles. WIREs Climate Change. 2020 Zumwald, Marius, Knüsel, Benedikt, Baumberger, Christoph, Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude, Bresch, David N., Knutti, Reto

    Ensemble methods, Reliability & uncertainty

  7. The strategy of model building in climate science. Synthese. 2020 Walmsley, Lachlan Douglas

  8. Uncertainty Quantification Using Multiple Models—Prospects and Challenges. In Simulation Foundations, Methods and Applications. 2019 Knutti, Reto, Baumberger, Christoph, Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude

    Ensemble methods, Reliability & uncertainty

  9. Building confidence in climate model projections: an analysis of inferences from fit. WIREs Climate Change. 2017 Baumberger, Christoph, Knutti, Reto, Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude

    Confirmation & evaluation, Robustness

  10. Expert judgement and uncertainty quantification for climate change. Nature Climate Change. 2016 Oppenheimer, Michael, Little, Christopher M., Cooke, Roger M.

    Expert judgement

  11. The IPCC and treatment of uncertainties: topics and sources of dissensus. WIREs Climate Change. 2014 Adler, Carolina E., Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude

    Climate change communication, Communication of uncertainties

  12. Values and uncertainties in climate prediction, revisited. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A. 2014 Parker, Wendy S.

    Confirmation & evaluation, Reliability & uncertainty, Values