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Looking Forward and Backward at Extreme Event Attribution in Climate Policy. Ethics, Policy & Environment. 2021 Lusk, Greg

Adaptation, Attribution, Decision-making, Extreme events

Cites (5)

Citations in the corpus, listed by decreasing publication date.

  1. Climate Change Attribution: When Is It Appropriate to Accept New Methods? Earth's Future. 2018 Lloyd, Elisabeth A., Oreskes, Naomi

    Attribution, Extreme events, Storylines

  2. Assessing climate change impacts on extreme weather events: the case for an alternative (Bayesian) approach. Climatic Change. 2017 Mann, Michael E., Lloyd, Elisabeth A., Oreskes, Naomi

    Attribution, Extreme events, Reliability & uncertainty

  3. The social utility of event attribution: liability, adaptation, and justice-based loss and damage. Climatic Change. 2017 Lusk, Greg

    Adaptation, Attribution, Climate-policy, Decision-making, Extreme events

  4. Attributing weather extremes to ‘climate change’. Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment. 2014 Hulme, Mike

    Attribution, Extreme events

  5. Ensemble modeling, uncertainty and robust predictions. WIREs Climate Change. 2013 Parker, Wendy S.

    Ensemble methods, Reliability & uncertainty, Robustness

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