
The Epistemology of Climate Change research project investigates the philosophy of science dimensions of the climate and environmental challenges.

Its current focus includes the epistemic and methodological foundations of climate (and Earth system) science and modelling (including machine learning techniques), causal and explanatory strategies for extreme climate events, and tipping points in natural and social systems in the context of climate change. More

Consult our publications and annotated bibliography.

The project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and is hosted at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Bern and the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research.

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Talk and poster at PSA 2024

Both Vincent Lam and Mason Majszak will be present at the 29th Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association in New Orleans (November 14-17, 2024). Vincent will give a talk on Climate extremes, physical storylines and process understanding in a symposium with Mathias Frisch, Dan Li, Lisa Lloyd and Joe Roussos. Mason will give a poster presentation on Legitimacy and subjectivity in science: a goal-based approach.

Keynote at LMU

Vincent Lam has been invited as a keynote speaker at the conference Understanding and Assessing Climate Change at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) at LMU on 28-29 October 2024.

WCRP workshop in Bern

Together with Ted Shepherd, we are organizing the workshop My Climate Risk meets Philosophy of Science within the framework of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Lighthouse Activity My Climate Risk at the University of Bern on 14-15 October 2024.

Talk at the University of Helsinki

Vincent Lam will give a talk on interdisciplinarity and values in Earth system science at the Perspectives on Science seminar in the TINT Centre for Philosophy of Social Science at the University of Helsinki on 23 September 2024.

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