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Persons » Greg Lusk

References (8)

The person ‘Greg Lusk’ is mentioned in author or editor position in these references.

  1. Varieties of Data-Centric Science: Regional Climate Modeling and Model Organism Research. Philosophy of Science. 2022 Lloyd, Elisabeth, Lusk, Greg, Gluck, Stuart, McGinnis, Seth

    Data, Datasets, Machine Learning, Regional climate modelling

  2. Does democracy require value-neutral science? Analyzing the legitimacy of scientific information in the political sphere. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A. 2021 Lusk, Greg

    Value-free ideal, Values

  3. Saving the Data. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. 2021 Lusk, Greg

    Data, Datasets, Reanalysis, Understanding & explanation

  4. Looking Forward and Backward at Extreme Event Attribution in Climate Policy. Ethics, Policy & Environment. 2021 Lusk, Greg

    Adaptation, Attribution, Decision-making, Extreme events

  5. Political Legitimacy in the Democratic View: The Case of Climate Services. Philosophy of Science. 2020 Lusk, Greg

    Value-free ideal, Values

  6. The ultimate cost of carbon. Climatic Change. 2020 Archer, David, Kite, Edwin, Lusk, Greg

    Climate-policy, Cost-benefit analysis

  7. Incorporating User Values into Climate Services. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2019 Parker, Wendy S., Lusk, Greg

    Adaptation, Reliability & uncertainty, Values

  8. The social utility of event attribution: liability, adaptation, and justice-based loss and damage. Climatic Change. 2017 Lusk, Greg

    Adaptation, Attribution, Climate-policy, Decision-making, Extreme events