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An outline of predictions and projections in climate science through the lens of initial-condition dependence and initial-condition uncertainty. During the discussion of uncertainty, Werndl outlines two types which had not been discussed to much extent in the philosophical community. This new insight leads to many conclusions throughout the entirety of the paper.

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Cited by these reference in the corpus, listed by decreasing publication date.

  1. Climate Models and Robustness Analysis – Part I: Core Concepts and Premises. In Handbook of the Philosophy of Climate Change. 2023 Harris, Margherita, Frigg, Roman

    Confirmation & evaluation, Robustness

  2. An ineffective antidote for hawkmoths. European Journal for Philosophy of Science. 2022 Frigg, Roman, Smith, Leonard A.

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  3. Structural uncertainty through the lens of model building. Synthese. 2020 Baldissera Pacchetti, Marina

    Parameterization, Reliability & uncertainty, Structural model error

  4. An antidote for hawkmoths: on the prevalence of structural chaos in non-linear modeling. European Journal for Philosophy of Science. 2019 Nabergall, Lukas, Navas, Alejandro, Winsberg, Eric

    Hawkmoth effect, Reliability & uncertainty