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Cites (11)

Citations in the corpus, listed by decreasing publication date.

  1. On Rationales for Cognitive Values in the Assessment of Scientific Representations. Journal for General Philosophy of Science. 2018 Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude

    Confirmation & evaluation

  2. Building confidence in climate model projections: an analysis of inferences from fit. WIREs Climate Change. 2017 Baumberger, Christoph, Knutti, Reto, Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude

    Confirmation & evaluation, Robustness

  3. Accounting for Possibilities in Decision Making. In Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning. 2016 Betz, Gregor

    Probability & possibility, Reliability & uncertainty

  4. Philosophy of Climate Science Part II: Modelling Climate Change. Philosophy Compass. 2015 Frigg, Roman, Thompson, Erica, Werndl, Charlotte

  5. Distinguishing between legitimate and illegitimate values in climate modeling. European Journal for Philosophy of Science. 2015 Intemann, Kristen


  6. A practical philosophy of complex climate modelling. European Journal for Philosophy of Science. 2014 Schmidt, Gavin A., Sherwood, Steven

    Calibration/tuning, Confirmation & evaluation

  7. Values and uncertainties in climate prediction, revisited. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A. 2014 Parker, Wendy S.

    Confirmation & evaluation, Reliability & uncertainty, Values

  8. In defence of the value free ideal. European Journal for Philosophy of Science. 2013 Betz, Gregor

    Value-free ideal, Values

  9. The Scientist qua Policy Advisor Makes Value Judgments. Philosophy of Science. 2012 Steele, Katie

    Decision-making, Values

  10. II—Wendy S. Parker: Confirmation and adequacy-for-Purpose in Climate Modelling. Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume. 2009 Parker, Wendy S.

    Confirmation & evaluation, Ensemble methods

  11. Should we believe model predictions of future climate change? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2008 Knutti, Reto

    Confirmation & evaluation, Reliability & uncertainty

Cited by (1)

Cited by these reference in the corpus, listed by decreasing publication date.

  1. Explicating Objectual Understanding: Taking Degrees Seriously. Journal for General Philosophy of Science. 2019 Baumberger, Christoph

    Understanding & explanation