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Cites (5)

Citations in the corpus, listed by decreasing publication date.

  1. The value of values in climate science. Nature Climate Change. 2022 Pulkkinen, Karoliina, Undorf, Sabine, Bender, Frida, Wikman-Svahn, Per, Doblas-Reyes, Francisco, Flynn, Clare, Hegerl, Gabriele C., Jönsson, Aiden, Leung, Gah-Kai, Roussos, Joe, Shepherd, Theodore G., Thompson, Erica

    Value-free ideal, Values

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    One of the first papers outside the philosophy of science literature explicitly acknowledging the role of non-epistemic values in climate science and climate modelling.

  2. Severe weather event attribution: Why values won't go away. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A. 2020 Winsberg, Eric, Oreskes, Naomi, Lloyd, Elisabeth

    Attribution, Extreme events, Values

  3. Incorporating User Values into Climate Services. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2019 Parker, Wendy S., Lusk, Greg

    Adaptation, Reliability & uncertainty, Values

  4. Epistemic and ethical trade-offs in decision analytical modelling. Climatic Change. 2017 Vezér, Martin, Bakker, Alexander, Keller, Klaus, Tuana, Nancy


  5. The Scientist qua Policy Advisor Makes Value Judgments. Philosophy of Science. 2012 Steele, Katie

    Decision-making, Values

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