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Containers » Climate Modelling

References (5)

These references are contained in ‘Climate Modelling’.

  1. Modeling Climate Policies: The Social Cost of Carbon and Uncertainties in Climate Predictions. In Climate Modelling. 2018 Frisch, Mathias

    Reliability & uncertainty

  2. Climate Model Confirmation: From Philosophy to Predicting Climate in the Real World. In Lloyd, Elisabeth A., Winsberg, Eric (eds.) Climate Modelling. 2018 Knutti, Reto

    Confirmation & evaluation, Predictions and projections

  3. Building Trust, Removing Doubt? Robustness Analysis and Climate Modeling. In Climate Modelling. 2018 Odenbaugh, Jay

    Confirmation & evaluation, Robustness

  4. The Significance of Robust Climate Projections. In Climate Modelling. 2018 Parker, Wendy S.

    Confirmation & evaluation, Ensemble methods, Reliability & uncertainty, Robustness, Robustness

  5. Communicating Uncertainty to Policymakers: The Ineliminable Role of Values. In Climate Modelling. 2018 Winsberg, Eric

    Communication of uncertainties, Reliability & uncertainty, Values