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Facing the Credibility Crisis of Science: On the Ambivalent Role of Pluralism in Establishing Relevance and Reliability. Perspectives on Science. 2017 Carrier, Martin

Reliability & uncertainty

Cites (3)

Citations in the corpus, listed by decreasing publication date.

  1. Distinguishing between legitimate and illegitimate values in climate modeling. European Journal for Philosophy of Science. 2015 Intemann, Kristen


  2. Who's Afraid of Dissent? Addressing Concerns about Undermining Scientific Consensus in Public Policy Developments. Perspectives on Science. 2014 de Melo-Martín, Inmaculada, Intemann, Kristen

  3. Values and Objectivity in Science: Value-Ladenness, Pluralism and the Epistemic Attitude. Science & Education. 2012 Carrier, Martin

    Inductive risk, Value-free ideal, Values

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