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Cited by (4)

Cited by these reference in the corpus, listed by decreasing publication date.

  1. Are climate models credible worlds? Prospects and limitations of possibilistic climate prediction. European Journal for Philosophy of Science. 2015 Betz, Gregor

    Probability & possibility, Reliability & uncertainty

  2. Distinguishing between legitimate and illegitimate values in climate modeling. European Journal for Philosophy of Science. 2015 Intemann, Kristen


  3. The case for climate engineering research: an analysis of the “arm the future” argument. Climatic Change. 2011 Betz, Gregor

  4. Underdetermination, Model-ensembles and Surprises: On the Epistemology of Scenario-analysis in Climatology. Journal for General Philosophy of Science. 2009 Betz, Gregor

    Ensemble methods, Reliability & uncertainty