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Framing the Anthropocene: The good, the bad and the ugly. The Anthropocene Review. 2015 Dalby, Simon


Cites (4)

Citations in the corpus, listed by decreasing publication date.

  1. On the Politics of the Anthropocene. 2015 Luke, T. W.


  2. The geology of mankind? A critique of the Anthropocene narrative. The Anthropocene Review. 2014 Malm, Andreas, Hornborg, Alf


  3. The Anthropocene: From Global Change to Planetary Stewardship. AMBIO. 2011 Steffen, Will, Persson, Åsa, Deutsch, Lisa, Zalasiewicz, Jan, Williams, Mark, Richardson, Katherine, Crumley, Carole, Crutzen, Paul, Folke, Carl, Gordon, Line, Molina, Mario, Ramanathan, Veerabhadran, Rockström, Johan, Scheffer, Marten, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Svedin, Uno

    Anthropocene, Earth System Science

  4. Geology of mankind. Nature. 2002 Crutzen, Paul J.

    Anthropocene, Geoengineering

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