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Epistemology of Climate Change

An annotated bibliography last updated 2025-03-28 at 17:39 UTC+1

The aim of this annotated bibliography is to provide a critical survey of the main relevant philosophical and scientific references dealing with foundational, epistemic and methodological issues related to climate science, climate modelling and climate change.

The focus is on a qualitative survey of these issues in a philosophy of science perspective rather than on an exhaustive review of the literature. In a second stage, focused critical notes will be progressively attached to prominent entries.

The bibliography is compiled by collaborators of the Epistemology of Climate Change project who curate additions and the subject classification. Your suggestions for addition are welcome.

Warning. The current bibliographic data was automatically sourced from Crossref as provided by the DOI system. This means that some of the data is noisy. In particular authors may end up being duplicated at the moment. Work is in progress to cleanup the data.